
Yeah. It's me. Don't you remember?


That's sad. We were always together. You were 0, and I was 1. And we mingled like binary code.

I don't understand.

Well, we didn't mingle all that much, actually. We created things side by side; we represented code, objects, people... but we could never really be together. It was sad. I always always sad about that. That's sad, isn't it? So I tried to change things.

I'm getting scared.

There's no need to be. You just need to go into the river with me. Hand in hand. We'll be together forever after that. That's how everyone else in the river is like. For us, everything will disappear except for ourselves. We'll be in the data stream until the end of time. And we'll be happy.

What? No... I'm a person, aren't I?

Did you really believe that?